MADISON BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Aka Old Madison Baptist Version 1.0, 20-Oct-2009, C111a.TXT, C111 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Locate intersection of Highways 123 and 76 in Westminster. Drive west on Highway 123 for 10.2 miles. Church is located on the right side of Highway 123. HISTORY: -------- A climbing steeple reaching skyward distinguishes the Madison Baptist Church in the scenic community of "Old Madison" in Oconee County. Established in 1883, the church was originally of unpainted board construction, and host to the Beaverdam Association for the first time in 1889. Around the turn of the century, the membership decided to build a new church and razed the old building to salvage materials for use in this church, erected in 1905. A two-year expansion program started in 1943 added Sunday School rooms in the basement. Another two-year project begun in 1962 added five classrooms, pastor's study, nursery and other facilities at the rear. The distinctive steeple tower of the old church still houses the bell, which sounds over the community on occasion. Area Historian: Bruce Harbert 104 Harbert Parl Circle (3 houses to right of current church) Westminster, SC 29693 864-647-5280 DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2000 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Unknown author TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2000 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ADAM, Mary Jane, b. 24-feb-1892, d. 22-jul-1927 ARVE, Clark, b. 31-mar-1897, d. 29-oct-1925 ARVE, John Preston, b. 3-nov-1870, d. 7-feb-1935 ARVE, Samuel, b. 5-may-1904, d. 8-mar-1932 ARVE, Savannah Dunn, b. 16-jun-1875, d. 13-jan-1955 BARKER, Christine, 26-dec-1883, p. w.p. & nancy barker BARKER, Martha Sims, b. 1-apr-1861, d. 4-jan-1926 BARKER, Nancy Smith, b. 18-feb-1854, d. 28-dec-1883 BARKER, William P., b. 28-feb-1848, d. 11-aug-1932 CLARK, Addie Eudora, b. 4-mar-1884, d. 5-aug-1885, p. w.g. & e.m. clark CLARK, Emily Lodessa, b. 15-jan-1886, d. 20-jul-1886, p. w.g. & e.m. clark CLARK, Genia Mertis, b. 13-apr-1891. d. 3-jul-1891, p. w.g. & e.m. genia CLELAND, Addie, b. 4-dec-1901, d. 17-sep-1997 CLELAND, Ben F., b. 1-aug-1894, d. 27-oct-1959 CLELAND, Berchie A., b. 14-may-1900, d. 3-feb-1978 CLELAND, Charles, b. 14-may-1899, d. 13-jun-1966 CLELAND, Clara B., b. 1873, d. 1948, h. j.r. cleland CLELAND, E.H., b. 16-sep-1831, d. 13-jul-1909 CLELAND, Edward H., b. 22-apr-1893, d. 8-may-1966 CLELAND, Fred, b. 14-jun-1896, d. 17-jun-1899 CLELAND, Infant, f. e.h. cleland CLELAND, James R., b. 1866, d. 1947 CLELAND, Joe, b. 6-dec-1900, d. 19-jun-1901 CLELAND, Lawrence, b. 25-aug-1907, d. 29-mar-1917, p. j.r. & n.c. cleland CLELAND, Lee, b. 1-jun-1909, d. 16-may-1917, p. j.r. & n.c. cleland CLELAND, Lula, b. 19-jan-1892, d. 10-jun-1970 CLELAND, M.A., b. 23-jan-1844, d. 21-sep-1910 CLELAND, Minnie B., b. 28-nov-1895, d. 5-nov-1962 CLELAND, Mont, b. 14-feb-1898, d. 2-jun-1898 CLELAND, Olive Bolt, b. 15-jun-1881, d. 16-nov-1970 CLELAND, Paul, b. 25-jun-1884, d. 17-oct-1932 CLELAND, Pauline R., b. 4-mar-1901, d. 15-aug-1997, h. ben cleland CLELAND, Ruffie J., 24-nov-1863, d. 26-aug-1905 CLELAND, Ruffus, h. w.p. cleland CLELAND, Thelma, b. 21-may-1919, d. 18-mar-1930, f. e.h. cleland CLELAND, William Pinkney (Jr), b. 11-mar-1904, d. 21-jul-1915 CLELAND, William Pinkney (Sr), b. 16-dec-1862, d. 6-oct-1934 COBB, Bessie S. Walters, b. 29-feb-1880, d. 9-sep-1960, h. john cobb COBB, John F., b. 1884, d. 13-oct-1930 COOK, J.A., b. 12-mar-1848, d. 28-jun-1931 COOK, Sarah J., b. 28-dec-1844, d. 1-mar-1914 DAVIS, Infant Son, b. 1969, d. 1969, a. 2d DAVIS, Twin Infant Sons, b. 1967, d. 1967, a. 1d DEATON, Willie P., 16-oct-1873, p. j. & m.j. deaton DUKE, Andrew Patton, b. 1869, d. 1949, w. mary duke DUKE, Mary Barker, b. 1872, d. 1947 DUNBAR, Cora Virginia, b. 30-dec-1867, d. 22-oct-1888, h. a.s. dunbar ELDER, Fredda Rothell, b. 1898, d. 1920 FRICKS, Clyde (Jr), b. 1962, d. 1962 FRICKS, Joseph, b. 3-mar-1842, d. 23-may-1927 FRICKS, Mollie E. Hunter, b. 4-sep-1851, d. 29-jan-1931, h. joseph fricks HUNNICUTT, Clark, b. 14-aug-1886, d. 11-jun-1887, p. c.w. & s.j. hunnicutt LAWING, David Warren, b. 15-mar-1924, d. 26-jan-1999 LAWING, Emery, b. 7-jun-1898, d. 22-mar-1986, w. j.j. lawing LAWING, Emma Lucille, b. 8-sep-1933, d. 23-jan-1934 LAWING, Jossie J., b. 7-jul-1893, d. 11-jun-1972 LAWING, Mary Lena, b. 21-feb-1932, d. 14-mar-1932 MOORE, Elie, b. 4-oct-1890, d. 18-dec-1975 MOORE, Julius Robert, b. 12-aug-1920, d. 13-oct-1978 MOORE, Lizzie, b. 7-apr-1889, d. 1-sep-1978, h. elie moore MOORE, Louie, b. 7-apr-1922, d. 9-jul-1999 MOORE, Willie A., b. 18-aug-1910, d. 30-jun-1959 POWELL, David Luther, a. 18m, m. m.j. powell POWELL, Mary Jane, b. 20-feb-1848, d. 15-oct-1874, p. j.g. & d.g. watt REYNOLDS, Glenn H., b. 23-aug-1897, d. 23-mar-1922 REYNOLDS, John A., b. 1911, d. 1989 REYNOLDS, John W., b. 1874 REYNOLDS, Lille C., b. 1874, d. 1961, h. john Reynolds ROTHELL, John P., b. 1874, d. 1934 ROTHELL, Lillie A., b. 1874, d. 1959 ROTHELL, Ross Davis, b. 6-jan-1907, d. 17-jun-1983, w. z.h. rothell ROTHELL, Zoie H., b. 2-may-1913, d. 16-jun-1999 RUSSELL, Infant Son, b. 10-jul-1838, d. 10-jul-1838, p. s.e. & m.a. Russell STANLEY, Infant, b. 31-jul-1954, f. j.d. Stanley SULLIVAN, James H. (Rev), b. 15-aug-1834, d. 16-dec-1897 SULLIVAN, Johnnie, b. 25-oct-1872, d. 14-mar-1889, p. j.h. & m.e. sullivan SULLIVAN, Mary E., b. 1-jun-1842, d. 27-dec-1921 THOMPSON, Clayton, b. 1905, d. 1963 THOMPSON, Lee Clayton, b. 1903, d. 1977 THOMPSON, Nancy G., b. 14-apr-1874, d. 25-may-1952 THOMPSON, Robert A., b. 4-sep-1874, d. 2-apr-1932 WALTERS, Clemson E., b. 24-feb-1876, d. 24-apr-1917 WALTERS, Essie I., b. 1882, d. 1962, h. james walters WALTERS, Herbert, b. 27-jan-1919, d. 13-jul-1921 WALTERS, James P., b. 1872, d. 1939 WALTERS, Mary Barry, b. 19-nov-1909, d. 14-dec-1964 WALTERS, Robert Spencer, b. 26-sep-1913, d. 14-dec-1964 WATERS, ASA C., b. 1888, d. 1967 WATERS, Rosa H., b. 1893, w. asa waters WATT, D.C., b. 4-oct-1822, d. 28-dec-1903, h. j.g. watt WATT, George G., b. 14-apr-1888, d. 8-jul-1927 WATT, James G., b. 25-dec-1813, d. 14-dec-1893 WATT, James Lafayatte, b. 22-sep-1859, d. 6-apr-1925 WATT, Martha Jane Smith, b. 14-sep-1865, h. james watt WATT, W.A., b. 1877, d. 1881 WHEELER, Mary Ann L., b. 31-jan-1910, d. 21-aug-1998 WHEELER, Paul C., b. 12-aug-1902, d. 10-nov-1961 WOOD, Hulon Bennett (Jr), b. 1-jan-1971, d. 10-nov-1971 WYNNE, Mattie Cook, b. 13-jan-1881, d. 8-aug-1974 YOUNG, James Mitchell, b. 19-jul-1960, d. 22-dec-1965 YOUNG, Jeffery Milton, b. 19-jul-1960, d. 22-dec-1965 YOUNG, Ricky Clyde, b. 17-mar-1959, d. 22-dec-1965 YOUNG, Vickey Anita, b. 15-jun-1962, d. 22-dec-1965 YOUNG, W. Clyde, b. 1911, d. 1980